Semi Accident rescue KAVRE being unconscious kopila
10:44 PMReturning home from the hospital four days trying to relax in harmony with her 21-year-old buds Gautam KAVRE jyamireki 24 hours to another hospital with a terrible accident pugnuparyo with new life and saved many lives who are soliciting. Kavrepalanchowk birtadeurali, posing on Monday, the National Trauma Centre Emergency Department buds durghatanaki witness is undergoing treatment.
Kathy student body dragged his injured anamiki power as long as the accident injured trying to save her. On Tuesday, he visited relatives and friends crowd around when the trauma center.
He was just a cliff gultimda harpoon down, back, neck and hand injury, but he is happy that he has lewdness. He left the neighboring seats on two elderly mothers, accident. During the third seat basayatraka chodidieki village, another woman is undergoing treatment in severe cases TU Teaching Hospital.
Due to a sudden rise of fever and tansilaitisaka Thevictims Medical College of Sunday rest, and Kathy discharge her parent planning to meet on Monday to book tickets go to her house. At half past seven in the morning he came to the bus when Koteshwore stared in wonderment shoving passengers.
He booked the seats he saw a sick mother sitting quietly arose. And that no relief can not go home himself standing joke that he repeated the request after the bus finally volunteered to sit. The seats around his eyes, carrying a ubhiiraheki basnupahilyai old trail and immediately her mother and left her seat.