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7:47 PMNawalparasi, Dang Prince officer and Bindu Sharma were also added to overseas dream. Yuvraj was Australian Visa. Then they got married by making fake documents, both of Australia on the basis of the same. Australia enrolled in college and began to read.
Australia took the girl had gone dependent visa. However, Australia has both 3/4 months of life were dark days began. And, now, both are in police custody in Nepal.
Australia reached the uniharasamgai sat Sir srimatijastai. But a short space of hostility They changed the love. Started a fight with a friend joined in a regular point. Yuvraj took his passport even come to Nepal.
Australia shortly after the Prince again. Points to his guilt, saying the church. Both men began living together again. But again, they should fight began some time.
The clashes between police case happened. Crown Prince of Nepal Australian police summarily deported. He was due to return to the point from Australia saying that he had krudva. Bindusamga video filmed secretly put pornasaitama.